Has transitioned Please follow the links above or the logos below to reach the new sites ©2014 ViewCast. Monitor audio capture with enhanced sound capture at lower bit rates at an attractive price. Switch between sources. Like all Osprey cards, you can plug in additional Osprey 210e cards or mix and match with other Osprey cards whenever you need additional video and audio channels. RealNetworks ViewCast Osprey 100 overview and full product specs on CNET. Sound card Header.

  1. Viewcast Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver
  2. Viewcast Sound Cards & Media Devices Drivers
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Note: The current commercially supported versionsof encoding software from Real are RealProducer Basic and Plus forWindows and Linux. For Mac OS X, Real'scommunity-sourced Real 10 Export Plugin allows you to export Real10 from any QuickTime-aware application.

For RealProducer Basic and Plus for Windows and Linux, see:

For the Real 10 Export Plugin for Mac OS X, see:

You can use the following capture cards with RealProducer and HelixProducer:


Any Windows compatible video card should work with HelixProducer. Real recommends Viewcast's Osprey 210, 220, or 2000 seriescapture cards. Any Windows compatible sound card should also work, butReal recommends using the Osprey 220, SoundBlaster Live or AWE 64, orMidiman Delta 1010 for best results.

Older versions of RealProducer use Video for Windows (VFW) compatiblecapture devices. Real recommends the Osprey 100 line of capture cards,though any device based on the BT848/BT878 chipset should work.

Helix Producer supports the Windows Driver Model (WDM) for capturedevices. Some FireWire and USB capture deviceswill work, though PCI-based Osprey cards are recommended.


Viewcast Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver

In Linux, you must have BTTV and Video4Linux configuredproperly. An Open Sound System (OSS) compatible sound card is alsorequired. ALSA drivers and FireWire are not supported.

Viewcast Sound Cards & Media Devices Drivers

For more information about capture cards and RealProducer, see: